Youth Advisory Board & Members

The California Coalition for Youth (CalYouth) values youth empowerment, and would be nothing if it didn’t live it. For this reason, the Statewide Youth Advisory Board was established. The YAB is a group of young people that discuss issues affecting transition aged youth in California (ages 12-24), including legislation and policy issues, and makes recommendations to the CalYouth Board of Directors. This gives ambitious youth leadership opportunities towards CalYouth’s mission, to improve and empower the lives of California’s youth, and vision, that every youth in California is connected to the services, resources, and programs they need to have successful lives. Not only does the YAB give youth the opportunity to advocate, but it also opens doors for the opportunity to sit on a Board of Directors, as well as gain an advanced skill set that offers considerable value to a future employer(s) and/or collegiate aspirations.

  • Levi Deatherage/ Alumni and Past Vice Chair of Youth

“The Mission for CalYouth’s Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is to provide input and give insight into policies, procedures, and legislation effecting, directly or indirectly, youth throughout California; provide meaningful leadership through training and experiences for board members/peers; and to empower board members/peer who, in turn, can empower youth who have experienced vulnerability and disconnect from essential resources.”