I had the privilege of attending the Taking Action Conference [TAC] hosted by CCY [California Coalition for Youth] this year in Sacramento, CA. During this trip (which was my second TAC) I felt more comfortable and was able to better enjoy the whole experience. This year, I had the opportunity to meet and interact with many wonderful people, all of whom were trying to better the world around them and elicit change in the lives of our youth. I was able to help lead a workshop on “how to properly advocate” [for legislative visits], as well as lead a team through a some of the legislative visits in the capitol.
According to some of my team, I did a great job in leading discussions with legislators, which was a shock to me since it was my second time (ever!) participating in the legislative visits, and it just goes to show that age and experience won’t hold you back if you’re willing to rise up to the challenge and give it your best shot!
My favorite part of the conference was the [youth] rally. I love the opportunity it gives both youth and adults in the ability to share their thoughts and stories. I read a poem I prepared just as I did at the 2015 conference and was so moved to see that people were touched by my words.
My recommendation to all who attend the conference is to stay steady in your pursuits for justice and not to allow the conference to be an excuse for you to just be an activist for just once a year. Take the tools gathered in Sacramento and use them in your own circle of influence.
If we all make small positive changes for those around us it has the potential to start a snowball effect of beneficial growth for the communities we all wish to see thrive. Stay strong and keep moving on.