California’s Road Map: Preventing and Ending Youth Homelessness

Published on December 4, 2018

New Publication Available: California’s Road Map: Preventing and Ending Youth Homelessness.

In preparation for incoming Governor, Gavin Newsom, and newly-elected members of California’s Legislature, the California Coalition for Youth (CCY), its members, and stakeholders are excited to provide this new administration with details on how California can prevent and end youth homelessness. Our publication, “California’s Road Map: Preventing & Ending Youth Homelessness,” details the issues that youth experiencing homelessness face in California and discusses:

  • Opportunities available to end youth homelessness;
  • The immediate steps to combat youth homelessness; and
  • The long-term actions to prevent youth from becoming homeless in the first place.

Please download and share the publication via this link, or clicking on the image below, we will also make it available for download via our social media channels and our website. If you have any questions or looking for more information regarding “California’s Road Map…” please reach out to Jevon Wilkes at or (916) 514-4464 x101.

Download California’s Road Map to Preventing and Ending Youth Homelessness


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